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ApprovalMax Partner Invitation Centre

Invite your clients to try ApprovalMax

Help your clients go paperless and bring their AP function into the cloud!

A perfect solution for clients that don’t have financial controls in place or don’t have an approval automation system.

* We recommend asking somewhere between 10 - 15 clients to make it worthwhile – more if you can!

ApprovalMax is an award-winning addition to Xero that will ensure all your client’s purchase orders, bills and sales invoices are being approved by the right person in their business.

You can offer your clients a stress-free solution that’s intuitive and easy to use, so they have visibility on their day-to-day business expenses, while improving their financial controls, plus more.

You can recommend ApprovalMax to clients who:

  • 1
    Spend hours each week raising POs, handling invoices,
    and making bulk payments.
  • 2
    Have poor financial controls – potential for accidental or unauthorised payments, and fraud.
  • 3
    Are still using paper and printers – reviewing, approving,
    and storing invoices each month on paper.
  • 4
    Have several approvers in their business and need different levels of approvals to make it easier.
  • 5
    Need assurance for auditors and an audited trail of approved invoices,
    sales, and purchases.
  • 6
    Facilitated audits, less preparation time, more transparency

What happens when your clients

start using ApprovalMax?

Approval times improve – your client’s purchase orders and bills will be authorised faster (compared to paper) and will automatically be saved to Xero.

Better business processes – their financial controls will be tighter. Evidence around transaction approvals – (who and when) – get saved to Xero.

They’ll enjoy flexibility – approvers will be able to access ApprovalMax any time, anywhere. From a laptop at home, to a mobile phone while on the go.

Manual processes will be eliminated – ApprovalMax eliminates the time-consuming task of collecting physical signatures for invoice approvals.

They’ll make their payments on time – ApprovalMax speeds payments up. Real-time spending is accurately reflected in your clients financial reports.

They’ll go paperless – with ApprovalMax, clients cut out costs for paper, ink cartridges, and printer maintenance, all while saving time and saving money.

ApprovalMax is a
Multiple Award Winner
Xero App Partner
of the Year 2020
Xero App of the Month
June 2021
Xero Emerging App Partner
of the Year 2017