How much can you save with ApprovalMax?
Use this simple calculator to learn how much time and money manual approval processes are costing your business.
ApprovalMax is the #1 tool to get your financial documents approved on time. It integrates seamlessly with Xero and replaces the need for paper and email approvals.
If you’re a bookkeeper or accountant, and you run the accounts payable function for your clients:
Please fill in the following details:
*Full price setup and training is US$ 299. This offer is valid for each organization that signs up to ApprovalMax for a new subscription between August 8 and October 9, 2022. Partners with existing subscriptions can get this offer for each new client subscription. A credit will be applied to the subscription from the second month of any new subscription being activated. ApprovalMax may get in touch with you to share relevant updates. You may opt-out by clicking ‘unsubscribe’ in any email. Learn more by reading our privacy policy.
If you work in an accounting or advisory firm, but do not run the accounts payable function for your clients:
Please fill in the following details:
**Accounting or advisory firms that do not run the accounts payable function for their clients are eligible to receive a $50 Amazon or $50 Mastercard gift card if a client referral is made using the form above and the client signs up to ApprovalMax between August 8 and October 9, 2022. The gift card of choice will be sent to the accounting or advisory firm within 30 business days once the sign up has occurred. ApprovalMax may get in touch with you to share relevant updates. You may opt-out by clicking ‘unsubscribe’ in any email. Learn more by reading our privacy policy.